How can I learn to manage money as a Bama student?

One of the easiest things to do as a college student is to spend money. Between bills, utilities, groceries, gas, and fun, sometimes it can feel like you are washing money down the drain. Transitioning from living at home and being provided for in any capacity to the independence of being a college student in your new UA apartment will make you realize quickly that almost everything costs money. Although this can be stressful, there are a few things you can do to ensure that you spend your money wisely during your time at the University of Alabama.

Make a Weekly Budget

Although it seems trivial, creating a budget for your weekly spending can be a great way to manage your money. This can seem like an intimidating task, as many individuals have spreadsheets or notebooks that detail their spending down to the dollar. While this is an effective solution, there are more simple ways to make a budget. Know how much money you will have on a weekly or semesterly basis and set a limit for spending money each week. Keep in mind that you are paying bills like utilities and rent for your Bama apartment, and factor this into your spending monthly. By doing something as simple as setting a limit for how much you can spend per week, you are already one step closer to managing your money.

Keep Track of Your SpendingSunset

Similar to making a budget, it is also important to keep track of your spending. If your bank has an app associated with it, you can monitor your spending monthly and change you habits accordingly. Keeping track of your spending also applies to attending events like fun dinners out or local bars near your apartment next to the Strip with friends. It can be easy to overspend on drinks and food when you are out with friends, and this is perfectly fine on occasion. Remember that making these fun nights a frequent habit is one of the easiest ways to spend money too quickly. Know your monetary limit before you agree to going out of your apartment near Midtown and try to make the best decision for yourself. This can also mean choosing less expensive dinners or refraining from buying drinks at the bar.

Look at Jobs on Campus

Another option for managing your money is to get a job on campus. If your course schedule permits, having a job on campus can be great for making a little extra income to help with bills, necessities, and fun activities. Many residents at student apartments in Tuscaloosa choose to get jobs on or near campus, and they benefit from the experience of learning how to manage their time, social lives, and money.

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